Don Goff Innovative Instruction Award Application "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 9 11% Project Details Let’s hear all the details!Project Title*Applicant Name* First Last Applicant Email* Project PurposeDescribe the Project.* Explain why your school needs this project. Relate the need to your school’s School Improvement Plan or specific Tennessee Standards.* How will this project support Portrait of a Graduate?* Provide a timeline of implementation.* What activities and experiences will this project provide?* How will the outcomes or goals of this project be determined or measured?* Provide an itemized budget.*Disqualification for: ANY identification of teacher or school (except for the cover page) Playground Equipment Travel Capital Improvements Classroom Furniture Salary Supplements Substitute Pay Athletic Programs Postage/Shipping Almost done! Just a little housekeeping left.Consent*If selected for this award from the Bradley/Cleveland Public Education Foundation, I/we hereby give permission to the Foundation to use my/our name and appropriate references and photos in Foundation publications and publicity. If students are identified, I/we will obtain parental permission for use of the student’s name and/or image. I/we further agree that I/we will give credit to the sponsors and the Bradley/Cleveland Public Education Foundation for helping fund this project (including sending the donor(s) a thank-you letter, labeling all materials purchased with Foundation money and giving credit to the Foundation in reports and electronic presentations). I/we agree to prepare and submit a Project Evaluation Report to the Foundation office as described. I/we confirm that I/we have read the current year’s Award Application Guidelines and I/we agree to all requirements. By submitting this application, I/we confirm that I/we have prior approval from our principal. I/we understand that the application process is not complete until my principal sends a confirming email stating the project title and my/our name(s). I have read, understood, and accept the terms of this grant application.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. How to apply Step 1: Read guidelines Step 2: Check Scoring rubric Step 3: Start your Application