LEAD Fellowship

Study groups, module projects, and leadership presentations provide coaching opportunities and facilitate independent learning and team building.

LEAD Fellowship

Leadership: Education and Development

Targeted professional development is supported by BCPEF each year, with emphasis and need determined by the Cleveland City and Bradley County Schools. Developing leadership skills and preparing teachers for an expanded role within a teaching team or moving into an administrative role is the purpose of the BCPEF LEADLeadership Education And Development Fellowship.

Cleveland City and Bradley County teachers commit to a year-long professional development Fellowship. Fellows are selected by the Directors of Schools and begin the fellowship at a retreat, followed by monthly workshops, job shadowing and school study trips. Study groups, module projects and leadership presentations provide coaching opportunities and facilitate independent learning and team building.

Lead Logo

BCPEF has designed this fellowship with collaboration of the Directors of Schools targeting specific and strategic needs of the school system. Facilitators Debby Torres and Terri Murray bring expertise and insight to the monthly modules accentuated by local and national professionals and specialists, panels, and system leaders.  

How To Apply

To indicate an interest in being considered for this LEAD Fellowship, contact your immediate supervisor to receive access to the application process.

2024-2025 LEAD Fellows

Fellows 2024 2025

Top Row

Jayne Maupin
Dr. Charis Reagan
Victor Amos
Seth Lee
Becca Lay
Taylor Bentley

Bottom Row

Lauren Limburg
Brittany Cantrell
Heather Turner
Dr. Susan Rodriguez
Sarah Bryson
Erin LaFever Allen

Past Leadership Fellows

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