Major Programs

Strategic initiatives with long-term community impact.

Development Through Growth

BCPEF’s major program support is designated for projects that fall outside the parameters of teacher grants and/or require more than $5,000. Most major grantors require funding through a 501(c)(3) entity. BCPEF is yours! Fill out the Inquiry Form below to get started.

Current Major Programs

Systemwide Telemedicine
Tango Flight
CMS/CHS Robotics & AI Initiative
TN Dept of Ed STEM/STE(A)M Designation Support
CCS Summer Reading Initiative

Previous Major Programs

GOAL Academy Garden Boxes
BCHS Food Pantry
LFMS/OMS Social Studies Collaborative Staff Development
CHS Welding

Inquiry Process

A Major Program Award will require collaboration and conversation with BCPEF before a formal application is submitted. Please submit an inquiry to our program coordinator as your first step in receiving a Major Programs Grant.
All requests should allow as much time as possible to secure funding options.

Please summarize the scope of your project, along with a rough draft budget for this request. We are happy to help you finalize a formal proposal following the submission of these items. And add an ability to attach files.


How is this project strategically aligned with your school’s strategic plan?
Have you asked your principal AND director of schools to contribute to this project?(Required)
Has your principal approved this submission?(Required)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 100 MB.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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