Teacher Grant Application "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 8 – Let’s Get Started 12% Let’s Get Started Be sure to save external backup copies as you fill out the answers to this application, and remember not to identify yourself via applicant name, school name, or system name in this application. Project Description – The “What” Email*The email required for tracking purposes. It will be hidden during the selection process. Project Title*Project Description* Clearly describe the project and its anticipated impact State specifically and explain the measurable goals/objectives of this project Rationale and Purpose – The “Who” and “Why”Rationale* Provide relevant data to document the relationship of the project with student need Relate demographics of the target population to the project including instructional levels and characteristics Summarize and cite relevant research supporting the project Specify how the project integrates with: School Improvement Plan, TN Standards, Comprehensive School Planning (must address at least one) Implementation and Instruction – The “When” and “How” Implementation* Outline an estimated timeframe of implementation State specific instructional strategies/classroom activities, skill development, and student products Describe how materials/supplies purchased for this project will be used If a TEAM grant, specifically describe how materials will be utilized by each team member Measurement and Evaluation Measurement and Evaluation* Define the expected results/outcomes of the project Explain the methods that will be used to measure student achievement quantitatively, and your expected outcomes Explain methods that will be used to measure student performance qualitatively Budget Narrative Budget Narrative* Explain how the proposed expenditures address specific needs of the project Itemize the budget and summarize relevant product information Anything else we need to know? Feel free to attach one optional document about your project. Formats: .jpg .png .pdf .doc .docx Supplemental Material Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 100 MB. Almost done! Just a little housekeeping left. Consent*If awarded a grant from the Bradley/Cleveland Public Education Foundation, I/we hereby give permission to the Foundation to use my/our name and appropriate references and photos in Foundation publications and publicity. If students are identified, I/we will obtain parental permission for use of the student’s name and/or image. I/we further agree that I/we will give credit to the sponsors and the Bradley/Cleveland Public Education Foundation for helping fund this project (including sending the donor(s) a thank-you letter, labeling all materials purchased with Foundation money and giving credit to the Foundation in reports and electronic presentations). I/we agree to prepare and submit a Project Evaluation Report to the Foundation office as described. I/we confirm that I/we have read the current year’s Grant Application Guidelines and I/we agree to all requirements. By submitting this application, I/we confirm that I/we have prior approval from our principal. I/we understand that the application process is not complete until my principal sends a confirming email stating the project title and my/our name(s). I have read, understood, and accept the terms of this grant application.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.