Estate Giving
Margo and I have included a bequest for BCPEF within our estate plan. I want our legacy to be one of continuing support of public education. With this action, education will continue to be a part of our lives even after our death. We want to ensure that funding is available to support this foundationally important component in our community.
– Rodney Fitzgerald
Investing in the future
No impact is greater on a community than a well-educated populace. Therefore, the Foundation’s vision is to be a national leader in funding public education. The result?
Your charitable contributions will make this possible for the children of Cleveland and Bradley County. A tax-deductible cash contribution is a quick and easy way to support this mission; however, careful financial planning could be very beneficial to you and your heirs, enabling you to leave an enduring legacy for future generations of students while at the same time providing significant tax benefits for yourself and your family or other beneficiaries.

Start the Conversation
For more information or to request a printed brochure, Please complete the form below, or reach us by phone or or e-mail at (423)476-0034 or [email protected].
Download a Confidential Bequest Notification Form to notify us of your intent to pledge THE LEGACY SOCIETY of donors.
Please complete the form and mail to:
Bradley/Cleveland Public Education Foundation
PO Box 4354
Cleveland, Tennessee 37320
When Establishing a Bequest…
If you have chosen to include BCPEF in your Will or other estate plan, we should be named as:
Bradley/Cleveland Public Education Foundation, a non-profit corporation designated 501(c)(3) by the IRS, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Tennessee
EIN: 20-0585134
Principle Business Address:
PO Box 4354
Cleveland, TN
Contact Us
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FREQUENTLY Asked Questions
*Please be advised that Bradley/Cleveland Public Education Foundation (BCPEF) is not a tax or legal advisor. The information included in this website should not be construed as tax or legal advice. BCPEF does not intend to suggest that any of the strategies contained herein are suitable for the reader. Further, anyone intending to execute any of the strategies contained in this website should seek the advice of a competent tax or legal advisor before so doing.