Requirements for Nomination
- Employed as a full-time, certified K-12 teacher in either the Bradley County or Cleveland City school system with a minimum of five (5) years of teaching experience
- Demonstrates a passion for teaching and inspires students with a love of learning
- Involved personally in the community [e. g., religious, civic, and other community/volunteer organizations]
- Communicates effectively across all racial, cultural, and economic backgrounds
- Admired and respected by students, parents, and colleagues
- Utilizes creative, current, and relevant strategies in the classroom
- Embodies the spirit of teaching demonstrated by Lillie Frank Fitzgerald—professional, articulate, and passionate about education
Reviewed by Committee
All applications are reviewed by an independent committee established through the Bradley/Cleveland Public Education Foundation.
Nomination Process
A teacher (description in the requirements) may be nominated by a fellow
Teacher, supervisor, family member, previous or current student.
● The Nominator must submit, using the BCPEF Website, a narrative
explaining why he/she is nominating the teacher for this award.
● One fellow teacher must complete the nomination questionnaire on the
BCPEF Website.
● One current supervisor of the nominee must complete the nomination
questionnaire on the BCPEf Website.
● Using the BCPEF Website, the nominee must submit:
- A full resume
- A list of achievements and recognitions in the field of education
- A list of civic and community involvement
- A brief description of family information
- A brief description of his/her personal teaching philosophy
- A brief description of how the professional award will be utilized for
classroom enhancement